Monday, June 11, 2012

T-shirt Design

artzoid on Jun 11 '12
Nice :)
I would like to see the placement for it - it can be placed in an interesting way on a tee.
If you want them to be hanging down, the lines should come down more balanced.
Good luck with it :)

Please critique
msj2109 on Jun 11 '12
Yes try to put it on a tee. The threads can be hand drawn. and probably add some hook or somethin on top of the letter where the thread will meet.. Why is there no shadow for create?

Good luck!!!
Please vote on my design when you get a chance and support message to stop deforestation
Stop the Madness! - Vote

viograpiks on Jun 11 '12
i agree with the previous comment. try to put it on a tee.. cute design by the way..

If you have time, please take a look, score and comment on my design:
Hipster Wolf is Hipster

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for all of your hard work in organizing and putting on the weekly runs.I like the your design very much.Good work.
    Custom Tshirts
